Julia Gruenbaum, harp - Junior Recital
Student Recital
No tickets required for this event.
In pursuit of their degrees at SFCM, each student presents a recital that represents their artistry and craft. Student Recitals feature repertoire curated by students with guidance from their faculty instructor.
Final program details will be announced upon availability.
About SFCM’s Harp Department
The San Francisco Conservatory of Music’s Harp Department is comprised of fewer than five students. At SFCM, students have opportunities to perform with resident ensembles, including the Conservatory Orchestra, the Historical Performance program, small and large chamber ensembles, and Technology and Applied Composition recording sessions, as well as enter into the biannual Harp Concerto Competition.
View SFCM'S Event Health and Safety Policy
As of April 1, 2023, face masks will be optional and at personal discretion for all SFCM concerts & events. Vaccinations are not required for visitors and guests to campus buildings and performances. Please visit SFCM's full Event Health & Safety policy to read more about our guidelines.